

All dependencies will be automatically installed through the GEM system but in some case you might need to install some system dependency in order to make everything work.

On OSX ( install brew and xcode tools first ):

brew install libpcap

On Linux:

sudo apt-get install build-essential ruby-dev libpcap-dev

This should solve issues such as this one or this one.

Stable Release ( GEM )

gem install bettercap

From Source

git clone

cd bettercap

gem build bettercap.gemspec

sudo gem install bettercap*.gem

Installation on Kali Linux

Kali Linux has bettercap packaged and added to the kali-rolling repositories. To install bettercap and all dependencies in one fell swoop on the latest version of Kali Linux:

apt-get update

apt-get dist-upgrade

apt-get install bettercap


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